This week I released a new version of
Brf-Mode, an Emacs minor-mode that implements various features from the legendary programmer's editor
Brief. You can get the new version from
New features are:
- Changed Window Resize (F2) to work exactly like in Brief, where the user first picks an edge and then uses the cursor keys to move that edge. Before the change, Window Resize just moved the window edge 1 column or row in the chosen direction. This was definitely more "Emacs-style", but harder to use without resorting to the (repeat) command.
- Added implementation of Brief's "Zoom Window Toggle" on M-F2.
- Documentation update to reflect the new features and some fixes to existing text.
One of the things that prompted the new release was I found an old (very old) backup with the original Brief program on it. I was able to get it to run on the Mac using
DOSBox, the cross-platform DOS game emulator. This is the first time for many years I've been able to use the real program rather than one of the many Brief clones/emulators (including my own) - very cool 😀
Brief V3.0 running on MacOS Catalina via DOSBox
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